Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Today's post will be about my favorite "App of the Day". My app I have chosen is Instagram. If you don't know what Instagram is, well then you've probably been living under a rock your whole life, just kidding! Anyway though, Instagram is an app that involves gaining followers and taking pictures of yourself or just random things that you or some other people might enjoy. This app is a lot like Twitter but with photos instead of posts but these two apps share the same Followers/Following trait. This app is great because if you want to tell people what you're doing you can just post a picture of what your doing and other people can see it and vise verse and it gives you an image too see what people are doing instead of boring old words. This app is also great because if you have some time to kill you scroll through your feed and see what people are doing. All in all this is a great app and you should download it now on the App Store or on Google Play! 


  1. I personally do not like Instagram. I don't use it and never will. I just dislike all these social networking sites.

  2. I have instagram, and even though it's not my favorite social media, I really like it! I think I'm following you... xD

  3. I really enjoy Instagram. I think it's nice to be able to post my pictures and be able to see other people's pictures.

  4. Instagram is a vary fun app because you can put any picture or video you want!
